Did you know the prevalence rate for Autism diagnoses are increasing for both children and adults?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released two new reports from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) network detailing prevalence rates, characteristics, and screening and diagnostic information. As a CDC partner, the Autism Society of America routinely reviews these reports to disseminate information, educate the greater community, and advocate for critical policy changes that ensure everyone in the Autism community has access to the resources they need to live fully. In late March 2023, the CDC reported a continued increase in the prevalence rate with 1 in 36 children receiving an Autism diagnosis. Read the Autism Society’s full press release here: https://autismsociety.org/autism-society-addresses-increased-autism-prevalence-rates-in-2023-cdc-report/
For the millions of individuals with Autism at all stages of life, there is no one approach to supports or services that meet everyone’s needs. Acceptance is understanding that one size does not fit all. We make room for the infinite ways in which people experience life. This Autism Acceptance Month, we #CelebrateDifferences, celebrating the unique individuality of each member of the Autism community, and continue our work to affect meaningful change and increased supports.
This Autism Acceptance Month, celebrate with us and put acceptance into action. Share your own unique story with the #CelebrateDifferences tag on social media throughout the month of April!
When we #CelebrateDifferences, we embrace the diversity of needs, abilities, and experiences in the Autism community through acceptance. Together, we can improve opportunities in inclusive education, employment, and health equity for individuals with Autism, no matter where they are in life’s journey. And we can’t do it without you!
With your support, the Autism Society of Baltimore-Chesapeake can continue to empower everyone in the Autism community to live fully with the connections to resources, information, and supports that meet their needs.