MobilityLink service is for individuals with disabilities who are unable to use the MTA fixed route system, which includes CityLink, LocalLink, Metro SubwayLink or Light RailLink service.
Mission First Housing Group, a 501(c3) nonprofit developer, is proposing a 76-unit new construction apartment project at the NE corner of Cedar Lane and Freetown Road in Columbia, MD. The Patuxent Commons project concept was developed by the Howard County Autism Society and its Housing Task Force to help address the housing needs of adults with disabilities. This mixed income development will have 25% of the units set-aside to serve individuals with disabilities, with the balance of the units targeted to seniors, individuals and families. This ideal location, close to transit, shopping, recreation, and job opportunities, will facilitate integration of residents with disabilities into the surrounding community and promote their ability to live as independently as possible.
The SHARE Food Network is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to offering healthy, nutritious groceries at a roughly 50 percent discount. This is accomplished through high-volume purchasing and thousands of volunteer hours, which strengthens the community for all. SHARE food packages are available to anyone who is interested.
This website provides information regarding applying for disability benefits for individuals who fall under the Autism spectrum. There are steps to follow and specific information regarding the explanations that are given under the law. There are comments regarding the information as well as links to other important questions that some people may have regarding the issue of funding agencies and benefits for Autism individuals.
The Autism Source resource database is the most comprehensive database of its kind. The Autism Society strives to offer only credible and reliable resources to our constituents, therefore we have employed our nationwide network of affiliates and collaborated with other autism organizations and professionals throughout the U.S. to create the Autism Source database. It is because of these collaborative relationships that the Autism Source Resource Database continues to grow and is kept current with comprehensive resource listings.
Maryland’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder allows eligible children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to receive specific waiver services and certain Medicaid services to support them in their homes and communities.