Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities

Baltimore County believes that a Commission on Disabilities is necessary to advise on the coordination and development of the County's policies for citizens with disabilities. The County endorses the policy that no qualified person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity within Baltimore County.

Baltimore County
Silver Lantern Games
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We are a team of passionate gamers and storytellers who have come together to create unique and engaging role-playing experiences for tabletop enthusiasts. Our goal is to provide players with the tools and resources they need to explore fantastical worlds and create their own epic adventures.

Spectrum Support
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I am an Autistic advocate, behavior analyst, clinical director, and adjunct professor. I have personally experienced the harms of ableism, racism, and flawed social validity related to my own intersectional identities within ABA, educational systems, and society-wide.My own experiences have shaped the fervor of my advocacy and professional efforts. I am committed to identifying and helping to eradicate ableism and racism directed towards Autistic community members in therapeutic settings and beyond. My overall mission being to assist in ensuring Autistic community members are being comprehensively accommodated, accepted, and supported in navigating the world without compromise of their Autistic identity.

The Arc Baltimore
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The Arc Baltimore supports people with developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives with a sense of belonging, purpose and meaningful relationships.

The Autism Society
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Connects people to the resources they need through education, advocacy, support, information and referral, and community programming

The Autism Source resource database

The Autism Source resource database is the most comprehensive database of its kind. The Autism Society strives to offer only credible and reliable resources to our constituents, therefore we have employed our nationwide network of affiliates and collaborated with other autism organizations and professionals throughout the U.S. to create the Autism Source database. It is because of these collaborative relationships that the Autism Source Resource Database continues to grow and is kept current with comprehensive resource listings.

The Autism Waiver
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Maryland’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder allows eligible children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to receive specific waiver services and certain Medicaid services to support them in their homes and communities.